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Please use these sites at your own risk and report any problems or concern to Hidden Hills. Due to the nature of the Internet, adult supervision is recommended. CUSD and Hidden Hills Elementary School cannot be held responsible for information contained on other sites.


National Geographic Kids  - Monthly online magazine for kids
Word Central - Dictionary and word games
Nasa Kids - Space Science
Yahooligans - Search engine and other activities for kids
Jobs for Kids Who Like  - Find out about careers you might have in you future
The White House - Visit the home of our President, learn about his job and past presidents
Fun Brain  - Activities for students, parents, teachers
The Exploratorium - Site developed by the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco


Recommended Reading Lists   - Book lists by grade level from the district
Raising Kids - A great on-line magazine for parents and teacher
Capistrano Unified School District - Our District home page. Lots of information plus links to other schools and educational web sites